To remember – Talks/ Para recordar – Talks

TEDxYouth@Aveiro talks are already available in the section “To remember”! Here you can see once again all those moments of passion and sharing. And, since TED is about sharing, discussions and networking, we kindly ask you to send us your opinion about the event to, or simply leave your comment on Facebook. Thank you, and see you soon. Na secção “Para recordar” já estão disponíveis as “talks” do evento! Aqui poderá rever estes momentos de partilha e paixão, do TEDxYouth@Aveiro. TED é também sobre partilha, discussão e networking. Por isso envie-nos a sua opinião para deixe-nos o

Terranova radio is a media partner of TEDxYouth@Aveiro

In 2011 we will be 25 yeas old! A quarter of a century! We are connected to you every day, 24 hours a day, anywhere in the world. Simply go to our website ( to follow, all the time, what happens in the region of Aveiro. A simple click connects you to information, sports, news, content that is of interest for the people of Ovar, Aveiro, Estarreja, Albergaria-a-Velha, Sever do Vouga, Aveiro, Oliveira do Bairro, Anadia, Vagos, Aveiro, Ílhavo. We communicate with the people of this region. With those who live here and those that are spread across different countries. We are making these

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